Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Spotted: T extremely crammed busy with outlines, contracts, torts, res ipsa loquitur, unjust enrichment, battery, promissory estoppel, consideration....
For the next two weeks she'll be so busy with studying that makeup will be rare, and her hair will ALWAYS be up in a messy ponytail; probably with mismatched clothes and tennis shoes. Little sleep, lots of studying.

bad news: only 1 week until her first law school final
good news: only 2 weeks until winter break (aka, first semester of law school over)

she's ready for christmas shopping, sweater/scarf weather, and no homework, being able to catch up on her tv shows, and reading all the books she's bought that she hasn't be able to read. most of all, she wants to sleep. long long hours of sleep, and then wake up and take naps. long naps. hopefully, she won't get so stressed out, her ADD won't get outta control, and she won't flunk.

she's already wrote her letter to santa, all she wants is a new pair of black mary jane heals, good grades on her final exams, and bryan back. santa should be able to pull through, right?

she also needs to stop talking in third person.
wish her luck!

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