Monday, November 19, 2007

mondays are for losers...

just a quick one...

i've got a RWA assignment calling my name; that, or it's the bed/pillow/fluffy blanket. Does it really matter?

School= crap. double crap. double dog dare crap.
Only 24 more days until winter break.

Gossip Girl is an official obsession. I once was against Mr. Chuck Bass, now he's a favorite; his scarf too.
Also, October Road starts up again next week.

Everything is all holiday-like EVERYWHERE. I'm not complaining, but isn't it a little early? Or maybe I just never paid attention before.

Need some ridiculous/silly amusement in your life?

great times, someone has a lot of time on their hands.

the weather is unpredictable, which is actually, ironically very predictable. It's not odd for the heat/ac/heat/ac to come on several times throughout the day. I don't know what i'll do when "layering" is no longer a style.

i'm off to write my rwa homework. blah. blabitteeee blah

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